Kovasti on Ukrainalla joukkoja Kurskissa
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2024-08-23 04:51:32 UTC
joten ei ihme, että Venäjällä on vaikeuksia ajaa ne takaisin Länsi-Ukrainan
puolelle, mutta eteneminen sentään lähes pysäytetty:
z z z
In a forest belt one kilometer to the southwest of the settlement of
Skrylevka, a group from the 82nd Air Assault Brigade was located and
eliminated. The ministry said that two armored fighting vehicles and seven
troops were eliminated. Another soldier from the group was captured.

The ministry added that Russian air and artillery strikes also inflicted
losses on Ukraine's 22nd, 115th mechanized and 82nd Air Assault Brigade near
the settlements of Apanasovka, Borki, Vishnyovka, Gordeyevka, Mikhailovka,
Plekhovo, Snagost and Loknya.

Other strikes targeted the equipment and troops of the 22nd, 41st, 61st
mechanized brigades, 80th, 82nd air assault brigades, 1st National Guard
Brigade, 103rd, 106th, 107th and 119th territorial defense brigades as well
as the 69th Rifle Battalion in the Ukrainian region of Sumy region near the
settlements of Basovka, Boyaro-Lezhachi, Vorozhba, Druzhba, Zhuravka,
Krasnopolye, Katerinovka, Miropolskoye, Loknya, Obody, Pervomayskoye, Sumy,
Starikovo and Chernevoye.

"Over the past 24 hours, the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] losses have
amounted to more than 300 Ukrainian troops and 23 units of hardware,
including three tanks, 20 armored fighting vehicles, one artillery gun and
15 motor vehicles," the ministry said.

"Since the beginning of hostilities in Kursk region, the AFU losses
amounted more than 4,700 Ukrainian troops, 68 tanks, 27 infantry fighting
vehicles, 53 armored personnel carriers, 336 armored fighting vehicles, 148
motor vehicles, 32 artillery guns, five SAM [surface-to-air missile]
launchers, ten MLRS launchers, including three of HIMARS system and one of
MLRS [multiple launch rocket] system, six electronic warfare stations, as
well as four units of engineering vehicles, including two counter obstacle
vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing vehicle," it added.
z z z

Ja koska nuo joukot ovat tuolla, Venäjän armeija etenee Donbassissa, joten
kovin erikoinen sota, kumpikin osapuoli etenee.
Heikki Heinonen
2024-08-23 08:18:53 UTC
Post by TJT2
joten ei ihme, että Venäjällä on vaikeuksia ajaa ne takaisin Länsi-Ukrainan
z z z
In a forest belt one kilometer to the southwest of the settlement of
Skrylevka, a group from the 82nd Air Assault Brigade was located and
eliminated. The ministry said that two armored fighting vehicles and seven
troops were eliminated. Another soldier from the group was captured.
The ministry added that Russian air and artillery strikes also inflicted
losses on Ukraine's 22nd, 115th mechanized and 82nd Air Assault Brigade near
the settlements of Apanasovka, Borki, Vishnyovka, Gordeyevka, Mikhailovka,
Plekhovo, Snagost and Loknya.
Other strikes targeted the equipment and troops of the 22nd, 41st, 61st
mechanized brigades, 80th, 82nd air assault brigades, 1st National Guard
Brigade, 103rd, 106th, 107th and 119th territorial defense brigades as well
as the 69th Rifle Battalion in the Ukrainian region of Sumy region near the
settlements of Basovka, Boyaro-Lezhachi, Vorozhba, Druzhba, Zhuravka,
Krasnopolye, Katerinovka, Miropolskoye, Loknya, Obody, Pervomayskoye, Sumy,
Starikovo and Chernevoye.
"Over the past 24 hours, the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] losses have
amounted to more than 300 Ukrainian troops and 23 units of hardware,
including three tanks, 20 armored fighting vehicles, one artillery gun and
15 motor vehicles," the ministry said.
"Since the beginning of hostilities in Kursk region, the AFU losses
amounted more than 4,700 Ukrainian troops, 68 tanks, 27 infantry fighting
vehicles, 53 armored personnel carriers, 336 armored fighting vehicles, 148
motor vehicles, 32 artillery guns, five SAM [surface-to-air missile]
launchers, ten MLRS launchers, including three of HIMARS system and one of
MLRS [multiple launch rocket] system, six electronic warfare stations, as
well as four units of engineering vehicles, including two counter obstacle
vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing vehicle," it added.
z z z
Ja koska nuo joukot ovat tuolla, Venäjän armeija etenee Donbassissa, joten
kovin erikoinen sota, kumpikin osapuoli etenee.
Kiovan valtaaminen kolmessa päivässä on nyt muuttunut haaveeksi pysäyttää Ukrainan hyökkäys. Onko teillä muita
Turo Juurakko
2024-08-23 09:49:10 UTC
Post by Heikki Heinonen
Post by TJT2
joten ei ihme, että Venäjällä on vaikeuksia ajaa ne takaisin Länsi-Ukrainan
z z z
In a forest belt one kilometer to the southwest of the settlement of
Skrylevka, a group from the 82nd Air Assault Brigade was located and
eliminated. The ministry said that two armored fighting vehicles and seven
troops were eliminated. Another soldier from the group was captured.
The ministry added that Russian air and artillery strikes also inflicted
losses on Ukraine's 22nd, 115th mechanized and 82nd Air Assault Brigade near
the settlements of Apanasovka, Borki, Vishnyovka, Gordeyevka, Mikhailovka,
Plekhovo, Snagost and Loknya.
Other strikes targeted the equipment and troops of the 22nd, 41st, 61st
mechanized brigades, 80th, 82nd air assault brigades, 1st National Guard
Brigade, 103rd, 106th, 107th and 119th territorial defense brigades as well
as the 69th Rifle Battalion in the Ukrainian region of Sumy region near the
settlements of Basovka, Boyaro-Lezhachi, Vorozhba, Druzhba, Zhuravka,
Krasnopolye, Katerinovka, Miropolskoye, Loknya, Obody, Pervomayskoye, Sumy,
Starikovo and Chernevoye.
"Over the past 24 hours, the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] losses have
amounted to more than 300 Ukrainian troops and 23 units of hardware,
including three tanks, 20 armored fighting vehicles, one artillery gun and
15 motor vehicles," the ministry said.
"Since the beginning of hostilities in Kursk region, the AFU losses
amounted more than 4,700 Ukrainian troops, 68 tanks, 27 infantry fighting
vehicles, 53 armored personnel carriers, 336 armored fighting vehicles, 148
motor vehicles, 32 artillery guns, five SAM [surface-to-air missile]
launchers, ten MLRS launchers, including three of HIMARS system and one of
MLRS [multiple launch rocket] system, six electronic warfare stations, as
well as four units of engineering vehicles, including two counter obstacle
vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing vehicle," it added.
z z z
Ja koska nuo joukot ovat tuolla, Venäjän armeija etenee Donbassissa, joten
kovin erikoinen sota, kumpikin osapuoli etenee.
Kiovan valtaaminen kolmessa päivässä on nyt muuttunut haaveeksi pysäyttää Ukrainan hyökkäys. Onko teillä muita
Tähän kai ainoa oikea vastaus on, ettei Kiovaa koskaan ollutkaan
tarkoitus vallata. Muuten vaan olivat hupiretkellä naapurin puolen rajaa.
Kirjoituksia kellarista
2024-08-24 05:46:49 UTC
On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 07:51:32 +0300, "TJT2"
Post by TJT2
Ja koska nuo joukot ovat tuolla, Venäjän armeija etenee Donbassissa,
joten kovin erikoinen sota, kumpikin osapuoli etenee.
Kiovan valtaaminen kolmessa päivässä on nyt muuttunut haaveeksi
pysäyttää Ukrainan hyökkäys. Onko teillä muita haaveita?
Emme edelleenkään ole amerikkalaisia kenraaleja
x x x clip x x x
Niinhän se amerikkalainen kenraali ennusteli noin kolme viikkoa ENNEN kuin
Venäjä aloitti SMO:n
Gen. Milley says Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if Russia decides to invade
Milley told lawmakers that Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if a full-scale
Russian invasion of Ukraine occurs
Jacqui Heinrich By Jacqui Heinrich , Adam Sabes Fox News
Published February 5, 2022 7:49pm EST Updated February 5, 2022 8:37pm EST

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told lawmakers that
Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine
takes place, multiple congressional sources tell Fox News.

Milley told lawmakers during closed-door briefings on Feb. 2 and 3 that a
full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine could result in the fall of Kyiv
within 72-hours, and could come at a cost of 15,000 Ukrainian troop deaths
and 4,000 Russian troop deaths.

Several lawmakers expressed concern that the Biden administration did not
respond quickly to provide Ukraine with significant military aid, such as
anti-aircraft and rocket launcher systems that would defend against an
invasion from Russia.

While Ukraine is receiving security assistance from the United States
through a $200 million allocation made in December, it is also receiving
$600 million in assistance from the United Kingdom and Baltic states, which
the country is depending heavily upon and includes anti-tank Javelin
missiles and older-version Stinger portable anti-aircraft missiles.

Several Biden administration officials were present at the briefings,
including Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd
Austin, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Homeland Security Secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, Deputy Commerce
Secretary Don Graves, and USAID Deputy Administrator Ambassador Isobel
x x x clop x x x

Opiskelitko sinä ennustamista samassa opistossa kuin tuo kenraali Milley,
vai miksi teidän kummankin ennustukset ovat menneet täysin pieleen??
Heikki Heinonen
2024-08-24 14:52:09 UTC
Post by TJT2
On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 07:51:32 +0300, "TJT2"
Post by TJT2
Ja koska nuo joukot ovat tuolla, Venäjän armeija etenee Donbassissa,
joten kovin erikoinen sota, kumpikin osapuoli etenee.
Kiovan valtaaminen kolmessa päivässä on nyt muuttunut haaveeksi
pysäyttää Ukrainan hyökkäys. Onko teillä muita haaveita?
Emme edelleenkään ole amerikkalaisia kenraaleja
x x x clip x x x
Niinhän se amerikkalainen kenraali ennusteli noin kolme viikkoa ENNEN kuin
Venäjä aloitti SMO:n
Gen. Milley says Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if Russia decides to invade
Milley told lawmakers that Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if a full-scale
Russian invasion of Ukraine occurs
Jacqui Heinrich By Jacqui Heinrich , Adam Sabes Fox News
Published February 5, 2022 7:49pm EST Updated February 5, 2022 8:37pm EST
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told lawmakers that
Kyiv could fall within 72 hours if a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine
takes place, multiple congressional sources tell Fox News.
Milley told lawmakers during closed-door briefings on Feb. 2 and 3 that a
full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine could result in the fall of Kyiv
within 72-hours, and could come at a cost of 15,000 Ukrainian troop deaths
and 4,000 Russian troop deaths.
Several lawmakers expressed concern that the Biden administration did not
respond quickly to provide Ukraine with significant military aid, such as
anti-aircraft and rocket launcher systems that would defend against an
invasion from Russia.
While Ukraine is receiving security assistance from the United States
through a $200 million allocation made in December, it is also receiving
$600 million in assistance from the United Kingdom and Baltic states, which
the country is depending heavily upon and includes anti-tank Javelin
missiles and older-version Stinger portable anti-aircraft missiles.
Several Biden administration officials were present at the briefings,
including Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd
Austin, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Homeland Security Secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, Deputy Commerce
Secretary Don Graves, and USAID Deputy Administrator Ambassador Isobel
x x x clop x x x
Opiskelitko sinä ennustamista samassa opistossa kuin tuo kenraali Milley,
vai miksi teidän kummankin ennustukset ovat menneet täysin pieleen??
Putin oli samalla kurssilla, sekin reputti ennustamisen. Minä tietysti olin luokan primus.